So I know not many people look at my blog, but I thought I would talk about sippy cups.
Kel- This is kind of for you, so you can read a friend's product review. I wish someone I know would've done the same for me before I had Carter. :)
A baby takes a bottle until about 14 months, but you start introducing sippy cups around 9 months, at least that's what I did. You go to the store to choose a cup, but there are sooooo many to choose from. Which one is right? Is one better than another? Which one will baby take to best? Wouldn't it be so easy if there were a right answer to these questions?! So, you just buy one and keep your fingers crossed the cup you buy is the cup your child adores. If not, back to the store for you. :)
Below are some of the sippy cups we've tried with Carter. Some of them we (Carter) like(s) and some of them we don't.
The first is a Nuby brand sippy. I liked them at first because of the soft top (closer to the feeling of a bottle nipple) and Carter took to them real nice, but I quickly learned that when he drank from it the nipple part sucked in (see picture below) so he had a hard time getting any liquid out. A parent can do two things to fix the top: #1 unscrew the top a little bit releasing the suction and then re-screw it back tight or #2 push back on the sippy spout so the air flows out and the top pops back to normal. I personally prefer to use method #1 or just not use these cups at all. It was a waste of money and time. I give this sippy a D.
The second is an unknown brand. I just got them because they adorned Ohio State logos. Go Bucks! There is nothing soft about this cup, so I assumed Carter would not drink from them, but I was wrong. He took juice and water from them just fine. The only thing I don't like about them is it's hard to get the top screwed on right so the logo faces out. Haha! So, these cups actually receive an average rating from me. I give them a B. (I picked them up at Meijer along with an OSU binky and bib!)

The third is also an unknown brand, but everyone knows you can pick up one of these "name" sippys just about anywhere, especially a Babies R Us or Toys R Us. Scott found this one with Carter's name on it and decided Carter HAD to have it as one of his birthday gifts from us. I used it for the first time the other day and quickly noticed 2 pros and a con. Pro #1 is Carter drinks from it just fine. Pro #2 is it always screws on so the sippy spout is in the center of the side handle bars. I'm anal about that and I love that it's always going to be in the center. The con on this cup is it leaks if laid on its side. A big pain in the rear if you ask me. I also give this cup a B.
The fourth and final of cups to review is the Gerber brand Nuk BPA free sippy. It's the ONLY thing Gerber brand that I like. I'm NOT a fan of anything Gerber brand, but I love, love, love this sippy cup. Carter loves them too! The sippy spout if not totally soft, but not totally hard. It's a nice in between for him and it doesn't leak. The only thing I don't like about this sippy is that you have to screw it on just right to center the spout in the handles. Again, I know!!! I have noticed that you can see a ton of floaters if it's a cup he has has sipped on all day...kind of gross, but oh well. I just empty it out and refill it. I love this cup and would recommend it to anyone! I give this cup an A+.
this is great! thanks! I was watching Coop drink from his sippy cup last night and it kind of looked like your fave cup. It had a little circle on the top for a suction and some how that got suctioned to his face and he had a perfect little red cirle on his cheek haha :)