I'm calling this his 13 month close up. Oh, and it was taken right before he started pulling on the end table lamp....

What a pathetic look huh? He had just had his hand smacked for pulling on the end table lamp and electrical cord. I can't help but smile when he gives me this look. Wow, disciplining him is going to be rough in the future!!! Hopefully he doesn't always look this pathetic!

I gave him an empty milk and OJ gallon container and you'd think I'd given him the world!!

"Thanks for the containers Mama. They're awesome!"
Carter loves the lion walker my friend and his Auntie Sarah bought him for his 1st birthday. Shortly after he got it, he started going to it, pulling it out, and walking with it all by himself. Before, we were having to help him pull a walker out so he could go to town. Not anymore! Thank you Auntie Sarah!!
(It's not the greatest, most sturdy video because I was recording while crawling on my knees with him.)
My neighbor and good friend, Sarah and I enjoy walking with our boys. We walk to the park and library alot, but sometimes we just walk around our development. I don't know what I'd do without her. :) Here are some of the picture I took of our walk to Wilson park in downtown Milan.

On our walk with Sarah and Owen, on our way to Wilson park.
He is doing great with his sippy cups. I think next week we'll start working on giving a sippy with milk at nap times and have a bottle at bed time only.

"Mommy, I don't...like...these...glasses!"

Hanging out in the swing at the park

Sarah and her son, Owen. I just love this picture of them!!

Carter and Owen enjoy the teeter totter, although you could never tell from this picture!

Mommy and Carter in the park
I am so glad he loves his lion! I just love his little laugh!!!