Carter's last swim class for the first session was April 24th. He did better with me than he did with Scott the previous week, but still cried for about 5-10 minutes. He graduated and got a certificate at the end of class. It was fun to do the class with the Scaddings, although there's not much we actually did together in the class. Fun none the less! Enjoy these pictures!

Ready to get in the water

Still not too sure about it

Me and Carter and Sarah and Owen

Chasing after a water toy, practicing reaching out his arms in the water

So sad this came out blurry because I thought it was a good one!

Our usual "4 of us" picture
There was no dunking of the babies in the last class, and since we missed getting it on video the other two times, I dunked him before we got out of the pool. He never cried when being submerged, so that makes me very happy. I don't want him to grow up being scared of water and swimming under water.
******Video Coming Soon******
(Blogger is giving me fits!)
It looks like you guys had so much fun! I am hoping to get Bug into a swim class this summer.