Carter turned 10 months on January 17th and I just can't believe that in a short month and a half he'll be one. I guess I really need to start thinking about all his parties since March 17th will be here before we know it. :)
A few new things Carter does & says:
* Says Na Na, Ba Ba, Da Da, and Ma Ma, among other things that I'm not quite able to spell out
* Has 2 teeth
* Is crawling everywhere
* Is starting to pull himself up on lower things: laundry baskets and activity table
* Loves to laugh at Mommy being silly and is always smiling
* Still sleeps about 12-14 hours each night (down at 7:30pm & up around 8:30am) and takes 1- 2 naps each day
* Is eating more finger foods: green beans, black eyed peas, blueberries, bananas, mac and cheese, ramen noodles, cooked sweet potatoes, and much more
* Is wearing 12 month clothes but will soon need 18 months & we are making a transition in shoes from size 4 to 5
* He's wearing size 6 diapers (I know, right? Haha!)

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