4 of the 6 tests I took. I was in shock!! July 2, 2008

Scott went as a gangsta and I was a prego ho, Halloween 2008

Mama and I at the Smith baby shower January 2009

Mama and I at the Stauffer baby shower January 2009

Carter's profile at 36 weeks

38 weeks
The following is my birth story. I never got around to posting it in the last year, but wanted to have it so I'd remember later in life the details. :)
1:00am Monday morning of March 16, 2009, I started having contractions. I woke Scott up after I'd timed them myself for about 2 hours. He turned on TV and watched Roadhouse while I was rolling around in teeth clenching labor. I called the doctor per Scott's request, but later decided if I could fall back to sleep it wasn't quite time to go to the hospital. We both did fall back to sleep.
Scott went to work that morning and I labored through some rough contractions. I called my doctor to see if they could do an exam before I went to triage. I received a really rough exam (thanks Dr. D!), was told I was 3cm, and was told to keep walking once I got back home and to call when things got to the point I couldn't stand it anymore. I have no clue how I made the drive home myself because things made a turn for the worse after that exam. The contractions got ten times worse after I'd walked for about an hour and I quickly realized it was time to call Scott home. He arrived at the house at 4:30-5pm. I decided it was time to head to the hospital an hour later at 6pm.
I was checked in to triage at 6:30. They hooked me up to monitors and did an exam. They monitored things to make sure I really was in labor, which I was. They then quickly moved me to L&D and 20 minutes later I had my epidural. Ahhhhhhhhh, life was much better!

Triage St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, 6:30pm, March 16, 2009

Breathing through some serious contractions before my epidural. I also had really bad shacks so they covered me with warm blankets

I'm all smiles after my epidural!!
When the epi was administered I was dilated to 3cm. Our families arrived from Dayton at about 10:00pm and I was at 7cm. The nurses told everyone not to go too far. Somewhere between 10pm and 5am, they determined Carter was sunny side up, so they helped me into a few different positions to try and get him to turn so he was face down. We were not successful in this attempt! 5:00am, March 17, 2009, rolls around and I was 10cm complete and ready to push!!
I started getting super nauseous about 2 hours before delivery, so while I was pushing I wanted to vomit. The nurses kept telling me to push through the burn and that I would feel pressure, but I felt nothing. I pushed for 30 minutes and we welcomed Carter James to the world at 5:25am. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long. They put him on my chest and when I heard him cry I felt such relief that everything was ok. He was just as I had imagined and I was so happy he finally decided to grace us with his presence. I couldn't believe I had MY own child in my arms!!!

Welcome to the world Carter James. Notice the pink vomit bucket (urine pan) up by my head!

Carter being weighed in, 7lbs 12oz and 21"
Although I didn't push long, I did have a rough delivery. I mean it was a super easy delivery, but I had a 4th degree tear and an episiotomy. So while Carter was getting cleaned up, it took about 30 minutes for the doctor to sew me up. Only later would I learn just how long it takes to fully recover from child birth with all I had endured. I sat on my boppy and doughnut shaped pillows for almost 8 weeks after.
After everything was cleaned up in the room, Scott and I were given a few minutes to be alone with Carter. Carter came out rooting for my boob, so I was able to breast feed right away, an awesome and awkward feeling. Scott then went and brought family back to meet our baby. I remember Karen, my MIL, came in crying which made me tear up, and then everyone else shortly followed. I also remeber, aside from Scott and myself holding Carter, I was most anxious and excited for my dad to hold him. His first grandchild and it was a boy!! He just beamed from ear to ear! After everyone got a chance to hold and love on him, they decided to leave to get some sleep. We were then quickly moved to the Mother/Baby unit after they left.
Scott changing a yucky black tar diaper
It was bittersweet to leave the hospital on Thursday, March 19th. It was so nice to be going home, but sad and scary to leave the help of the nursing staff and hospitality of the nursery. I was scared about the first night at home, just the three of us. All I remember of that first night was we were up ALOT! Breast feeding is a huge task and takes 100% commitment. It hurts like hell and is uncomfortable and takes awhile to get the hang of it and it takes pretty much all of your time since baby eats every 2-3 hours. Luckily, Amy and Josh were at our house when we arrived home from the hospital. Then, my cousin Jen and her two girls visited Friday all day and my parents came to stay that first weekend.

Carter's ride home from the hospital. It was sunny and in the 50's that day, just like today except it's sunny and in the 60's.
Scott introducing Carter to Maggie
What a great post. Happy birthday to Carter!