Carter had his 12 month check up on March 18th. He's doing great and growing up fast. He weighed in at 24lbs 14.5oz (80%), measured 31.5 inches (90%), and head circumference was 19.3 (90%). He got 3 shots and 2 toe pricks. He did great and cried for only a couple minutes, then was back to all smiles.

* He's added the "th" sound to his vocabulary.
* He's doing some serious crawling. No walking yet which I'm just fine with!
* He's started being a bit more clingy to me.
* Still only has his two front bottom teeth, but I think the 2 front top teeth on top will make an appearance anytime now.
* He's still happy pretty much all the time, with the exception of his birthday parties (just makes me look like a liar!)
* Is pulling himself up at the sofa, in his crib, etc. and is able to sit down from standing and stand from sitting.
* He can turn pages in a book when we read

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