Scott and I took Carter to JCP for pictures this morning. I wanted a nice family portrait (we had none) and some cute 1 year birthday shots of Carter. I painted wooden letters, O-N-E, in the colors of his birthday parties this coming weekend and I wanted to do a cake smashing session too.

Thank heavens we did the family portrait first because everything else was a big fat fail! Carter had a meltdown complete with tears, screams, runny nose, splotchy red face (the kind you may get after you've had one too many cocktails), and was super clingy to me. He hasn't felt the best, he has a small cold, but I really thought he would do better than he did. So needless to say, we ended the photo shoot, chose our free 8x10 and were on our way. Here are a few of the best shots we got.

Sorry the shoot didn't go so well. At least you got some good family shots!