Carter turned 18 months on September 17th, our big deal day of world travels. I just wanted to jot down a few things that he's doing, so I don't forget. We did not do an 18 month check up before we left because he wouldn't of been able to get his shots yet, so December it is to cover probably 2 different well baby visits. I sure hope that doesn't mean twice the amount of shots.

Height: I'm not sure of an exact number, but he is just about as long as his changing table. We're going to have to take it down when we return to the
US because he's just too big for it now. :(
Weight: While we were weighing our luggage before leaving,
I weighed him and so the unofficial weight is 28lbs.
** He has 10 teeth now. He got 2 molars starting the first of September.
It really hasn't been too terrible, not at all like people say. He's a trooper!
** He says Mommy, Daddy, May May, "G-Da" for G-Daddy, "mo" for more,
"dut" for duck, cat, "dot" for dog, "bop" for ball, "ba ba" for bye bye, and "ya ya" for hello, "choo choo" for train, and "cheese" when I take pictures of him
** He has become my hip buddy. He's very clingy, especially around
strangers and even grandparents, friends, and people he hasn't seen in awhile.
He sometimes doesn't even want Scott to put him to sleep.
He's def a Mama's boy right now!
** He has quite the personality, is sweet as can be. Smiles all the time,
and giggles up a storm. He's an extremely happy child!
** He is a watcher and observer. He likes to study things, how they work,
and how they work & fit together. (Just like his father, the Engineer!)
** He blows kisses, but he will also lean forward for you to
kiss him if you ask for a kiss. It's very much a closed mouth kiss, ha! He also hugs
his animals and makes an "Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm" sound. Too cute!
** He's still a great eater. He loves bananas, blueberries, strawberries,
pancakes, pasta salad pepperoni, banana peppers, meatloaf, peas, green beans,
marinated chicken, flavored cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers,
waffles, eggs, my morning onion bagel and cream cheese, etc.
** He's picked up on baby signing. He now signs for more, all done, milk, and banana.
This isn't an official sign, but he's really good at shaking his head no
if you ask him if he wants this or that.
** He's a great sleeper. We are pretty strict about bedtime routine, have been
since day one. We start bath at 6:45-7pm and he is usually in bed
after books and milk by 7:20ish. He is always awake when I go into
get him in the morning about 8:30, but he usually starts talking about 8am.
** He takes one 2-3 hour nap a day, in the late morning
** He wears size 5 diapers, size 6 shoes, and 18 month clothes
(and some 24m depending on what brand it is)
Oh my goodness, Carter is a great sleeper! We think K is a good sleeper, too, but there is no way that girl is ever sleeping until 8:00!