Yesterday we set out on a small hike to try and find another park in Toyota City. I'm not sure of how long it took us to get there, but I'd say a solid hour. The park was just ok. They don't seem to have playground equipment in park here. Children must just have to make up their own fun and run with it. It was a nice walk none the less and Carter seemed to really enjoy having the open space to walk and attempt to run. :)

Bridge that crosses over to the Toyota Stadium

The park
He was too quick for me to even snap a photo of him!

Those of you who know Carter, know that picking up things that are dirty is just not his style, so I was really surprised when he went after this stick.

He carried it for about 5 minutes, just here and there.
Cute collage I made of him and the park bench. It took him just as long to get up on and off of the bench as it did the actual time he sat on the bench.
** Can anyone explain to me why I have a line under my text? It happens randomly and I can't figure out how to get it undone. Help!
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