Sarah and I left Tuesday morning to drive to Ohio to see Mom's 1st grade class Christmas program. As you can see we took the boys with us and they really seemed to enjoy it.

The drive down to Ohio wasn't bad. Owen slept most of the way and Carter was awake the whole trip, but was pleasant and self entertaining. I took Sarah and Owen to meet Nana before we went to mom and dad's house. Nana loved them both as do I!! We went home to hang out for the rest of the day. The boys napped and then we got ourselves ready to go to Titus. Of course, it was pouring down rain and freezing cold.

We left Classic about 8:15 so I figured we'd be home about 10:45. Haha, that was a joke! Around Bowling Green we ran into frigid temps and rain that was turning to ice on the highway. From Bowling Green to Milan it usually takes about 50 minutes...this trip took about 2 hours. I could only go between 40-45 mph. We pulled into the driveway at 12 midnight. I was pooped!!
My mom asked me if it was worth it, making the drive for a 20 minute program. I told her of course it was!!!
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