Scott and I met on and had our first date on November 26, 2005. We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and strolled the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights. It was a great first date and would lead to many, many more!
We dated long distance for a year, Scott lived in Michigan and I lived in Ohio, and then I made my move up to him October 2006. We purchased our first home the end of that October. When we went home for Thanksgiving we decided to celebrate our one year dating anniversary and do our first date all over again. First and second, dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and lights at the zoo. Then, a surprise stay at nice hotel in downtown Cincinnati and a surprise carriage ride through downtown. I was enjoying the ride, the lights on all the trees and trying to keep myself warm when I looked over and Scott was on one knee with a diamond engagement ring. It was a great way to propose and of course I said yes.

Photo: Scott & I in front of the carriage he proposed in
We were married on November 10, 2007. The weather was a tad chilly but the sun was out and it was a perfect fall day. We also were married on my mom's birthday! We had 245 of our closest friends and family there to celebrate with us. It truly solidified my love for Scott and made me excited about our future together!
Top: Scott and & after our ceremony
Bottom: Scott & I coming into our reception
If you haven't already caught it, something big happened each year in our relationship, and what comes after getting married?
You guessed it, on July 2, 2008 I found out I was pregnant. The story of me telling Scott he was going to be a daddy is a long one, so I won't bore you with the details. Haha! On March 17, 2009, 3 long days past my due date, my baby boy, Carter, made his entrance to the world!

Top: Scott just after he found out I was pregnant
Middle: Scott holding Carter for the first time
Bottom: Scott, Carter, & I on Scott's 30th birthday
This year will mark 4 wonderful years with Scott and I can't imagine those 4 years without him. Alot has happened in our 4 years together and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world! He has the patience of a saint (he's married to me after all), he loves me more than I knew was humanly possible, he's a great father to Carter, and we're complete opposites, which in our case is the best thing ever. We share many interests: rock music, boating, watching movies, surfing the net together (haha), and being with friends and family to name just a few.
I love you bunches Scott and I can't wait to spend a lifetime with you!
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