Carter has started to work on holding his own bottles. He's especially trying with his applejuice bottle with dinner. He's a pretty determined little boy!

Friday, Carter sat on his own for the first time. I've been working with him, he sits while holding onto his play gym bar, the play gym in the below picture. It seems to be doing the trick! Every once in a while he'll fall over, but he's doing a pretty good job.

We got him a new toy to play with today. He likes it, but quite know what to do with it yet. It's one of those where you put the shape in the right shaped hole. Anyhow, it plays music and makes a bunch of noise.

Carter has outgrown his infant car seat and has now graduated to a big boy seat. At his 4 month Dr. appointment he weighed 17 lbs 8 oz and was 27 inches. His car seat holds up to 22 lbs and 29", but he no longer fits in it. And who knew finding and picking out the right car seat could be so difficult??
Excuse him having no pants on, we were just trying it out in the house to make sure everything was set to the right height.

Today was also the first time we wore any Ohio State stuff. We visited the Botanical Gardens at University of Michigan's campus, and I must say I was a proud Mama. Haha! I could tell we got a few weird looks, but that's alright by me. :) Go Buckeyes!