(Photos are in random order)

View of sunset from our beach house's sun deck

Scott with Carter and our niece, Ava, having snacks from bath

Scott and Carter brush up on all the local hot spots

Carter and Daddy, Carter's 1st time at the beach

I mean seriously, how could anyone resist these two boys??

Scott splashing in the water to help show Carter it really is fun!

On the sun deck of the restaurant we ate at our last night there, Cinelli's Pizza

Carter and Scott ready to head to the beach

Our beach house, 6 BR, 3 Bath, 3 decks and complete with hammock and swings

He started sticking his tongue out when he was concentrating on something.
He def gets that from his Mama!!

I just love this picture! One of my favorites!
Nothing says it like sandy, pruney baby feet!

I love hats backwards!

Splashing in the ocean....in a bucket! What?

Disgruntled man and cheese eater

Sitting in one of the porch swings. What a view of the ocean!

He was slow to warm up to the idea of sitting in the sand and surf.

Mommy and Carter ready to eat pizza at Cinelli's

Carter's 1st time at the beach

Playing with Grandma Smith, Aunt Amy, and cousin Ava in the sand