We went to Larosas for pizza Wednesday and Carter had his first baby food meal out AND his first pizza crust. A taste of yummy adult food. He loved it and screamed for a few when I took it away. Ha! We went to Classic Pizza the next day for lunch with my grandma, uncle, and dad and I gave him a dill pickle. He loved that too! He really is my son. I don't have a picture of that but he didn't make a single face when he put it in his mouth. He just sucked down on it like a pacifier.

I rallied all of mom and dad's friends together for a surprise dinner at Bullwinkles. Dad knew we were going there for dinner, but didn't know we were going to be joined by 4 other people. He was totally surprised!

In this picture, dad was giving Carter his first taste of chocolate. He really like that too. After I caught dad, I snapped this picture and then told dad to lay off the chocolate! Haha!

Friday, October 2nd, we went to Titus for a going away party for the school's aid, Kim Magby. She is going to Texas so of course in true Titus fashion, the theme for the luncheon was Tex Mex and everyone came in "Texas" attire. I found Carter a cowboy hat at the $ Tree.
I love the huge grin he has in the picture where you are holding him! :)