Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Kisses Make Him Laugh
Scott was getting Carter ready for his bath tonight and I found him laughing up a storm when I walked in his nursery to take him to the tub. Scott was kissing up and down his belly. He just loved it! His laughs and giggles are so infectious, you can't help but smile when you hear him.
Just wanted to share! :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Comb Over Can Be Hot
I should preface this post by saying it's a bitchy rant, haha! It's all meant in fun, but kinda not. Here goes... :)
I happen to believe that Carter is THE CUTEST little boy I've EVER seen in the ENTIRE universe, with or without a comb over. Don't you just hate it when people start conversations like this, "I don't care what other people think, I think you're funny/cute/handsome/etc." It's like a back handed compliment. It's like they're saying to me, "Oh all that hair is so cute, so when are you going to cut it?" I happen to LOVE the fact that Carter is growing alot of hair. I hope he inherits my hair, thick and luscious! I love my hair! I think that just because he has alot of hair for his age (although not near the amount of some children his age) and it all wants to comb over to the side, doesn't mean that I need to take him to the salon for his first hair cut. He's only 6 months old. People keep asking me when I'm going to take him to get his hair cut, when I'm going to take him to get his hair cut, when I'm going to take him to get his hair cut...you get my point and how annoying it is!?!?
The other day I tried to do something different to his hair because of comments from people and this is what happened. As you can see, he was not too happy about the new style. Haha!

So, because I happen to think his comb is adorable I pulled up a few pictures of celebs with "comb overs." Just think, Carter could be this hot when he's in his twenties and still has a comb over. Just sayin'!
So, with all this said, I'm not taking Carter to the salon to have his hair cut anytime soon. :)

I think this one is pretty hot!

Zac Efron

John Stamos

Tom Cruise

Patrick Dempsey

Future Leading Man

Leonardo DiCaprio

Jesse McCartney
From high chair at Taco Bell to red carpet at the Oscars

Derek Hough
Monday, September 21, 2009
6 Month Checkup
Carter has his 6 month appointment today. He's definitely a growing boy!

He weighs 20lbs 15.5oz in the 93% percentile, he's 28 inches long in the 91% percentile, and his head circumference is 18 inches in the 92% percentile. We got the ok to give water and more juice throughout the day and to start table foods. The Dr. said we can give Carter anything that Scott and I eat. I'm very excited about that!! I'm anxious to see what he'll think of cheese and Cheerios and pasta, etc.
He got 2 injection vaccines and 1 oral vaccine. He cried for about 3 minutes and then he was fine after some lovin' from his mama. He does such a great job seeing the Dr.. We go back when he's 9 months which is the start of January 2010.

Carter sleeping in the car on the way home from the Dr. visit
I plan to have his 6 month pictures taken someplace, but in the meantime snapped these on his 6 month half birthday. <3
Thursday, September 17, 2009
6 Months Down, 17 1/2 Years To Go!
Just 6 short months ago my life changed in a big, big way. 6 short months ago I instantly learned how rewarding it was going to be to be a mother. Just 6 short months ago, my baby boy Carter was born.

I can't imagine my life without Carter in it. His smile brightens an entire room, his laugh is the sweetest sound I've heard, and his sweet chubby cheeks are those of Scott and I. I feel incredibly blessed that I get to call him my son and lucky that I get to be his Mommy!!!
I love you Carter with all my heart!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Two funny videos...
A couple weeks ago I was giving Carter his bath and I called to Scott to come in with the camera to record Carter splashing in the water. He got a good clip of him in the tub, but I thought the view was a little backwards and upside down. The next night I took another video of Carter splashing in the water. Ha, this is what I got...
I laugh out loud and sometimes cry every time I watch this video. Are you kidding me? All I wanted to do was capture him splashing at a better angle, haha, and he decides better to be a water zombie while mommy tapes. I can't wait to show him these videos when he's old enough to chuckle at them!!
Hope they make you laugh out loud like they do me!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Next Up- Finger Foods
Maybe we need to start giving Carter some puffs or small finger foods...
Yesterday evening while I was feeding him, he chewed his pureed fruit for the first time. Moving the jaw in a chewing motion is a sign that it's time to start solid foods (he's already eating solids) and/or starting small soft finger foods.
Another sign is moving an object from one hand to the other. I was going back though video clips of Carter playing and came across one where he did this, picked up a toy with one hand and moved it to the other hand.
I just can't believe how these changes occur right in front of my very eyes. Next thing I know he'll be crawling and pulling open drawers and cabinets he shouldn't be getting into. :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Carter's First Fair
Scott and I took Carter to his first fair, the Saline Fair, yesterday. He seemed to love it. Anytime he's in the stroller around alot of people, he seems to be happy just people watching. Like mother like son I guess since I really enjoy people watching myself.

We started out walking through the barns filled with farm animals. I thought since I have recently been spending my days making sounds of barn animals, Carter would just love it. Ha, he seems to giggle most at the sound of a sheep. We saw cows...Mooooo!

and we saw pigs...Oink Oink!!!

and we saw big green tractors!!! Thank God John Deere tractors are primary colors. :)

After all the barns, we grabbed some fair grub and caught up on the Michigan-Notre Dame score. And as you can see, I was not happy to hear that Michigan beat Notre Dame.

Carter was ready to go, dressed in his overalls. Of course, he was the cutest baby there.

But Carter loved being with Scott! It was such a nice day to be out and about. Maybe next year he can taste some of the yummy fair food.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Little Things In Life
Carter and I made a trip home to Ohio to surprise my grandma for her 83rd birthday. (She was indeed surprised!) On the way to dinner, I took this video of Carter playing with a bubble gum container. (Remember the commercial..."It's 6 feet of bubble gum, for you not them!") As you can see, he loved it.
It's always the little things in life!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Just Call Me Baby Food Maker
I made my first batch of baby food today, carrots. One of our neighbors brought over a whole grocery bag full of fresh carrots and since Scott and I won't eat them I decided to try my first round of baby food.
My neighbor, Sarah, mentioned in below posts, makes her own food and has raved about how easy it is, not to mention how much cheaper it is. She gave me the inspiration to try it myself and voila! It really is so, so easy.

I have a food processor and was going to use it, but I don't exactly know how it works yet, so I just used my smoothie maker for this round. It did a great job. Here are the steps I took to make the carrots into pureed baby food:
1. Peel carrots and cut in half to make 2 short pieces instead of one long stick.
I peeled about 10 carrot sticks.
2. Steam in veggie steamer for about 25-30 minutes (or until desired mushiness).
3. Place steamed carrots pieces into blender or food processor. Add about 1/4 cup of water for each blend. Continue to blend and add water until desired consistency.
I used about 1 1/4 cup of water total.
4. Place puree into ice cube trays. With the trays I used, 4 cubes equals one Gerber Stage 1 container of food. I tapped the trays on the counter so the puree laid flat and will make flat food cubes.
5. Place trays in freezer and then store food cubes in freezer bag until use.

Then, with all the extra carrots sticks I had, I steamed them and cut them into bite size pieces so that when Carter starts eating finger foods I can pull these out and cut them into quarters. This will give him something easy to grab, yet small enough to eat in one bite.
I must admit, I'm pretty proud of myself. It sounds silly, but making these carrots (with a great teacher over my shoulder!) gives me the confidence I needed to make all kinds of other foods for Carter. I can do my own fruits (pears, peaches, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, etc) and veggies (corn, squash, carrots, green beans, etc.) and eventually meats.
I'm so excited I now have the confidence to save us a TON of money!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
To The Lake We Go
Scott, Carter, and I made our first summer 2009 trip to Wamplers Lake in Michigan yesterday. We invited our neighbors, John, Sarah, and their son Owen. The weather was perfect, high 70's and full sunshine. It was a perfect day with perfect people!!
Last Christmas Scott asked my parents for a Bengals pop tent. He wanted to make sure me and the baby had shade to sit in while at the lake. This is the first time we've used it for the purpose it was purchased. I'd say we had a pretty nice camp set up.

The babies slept while Sarah and I chit chatted and the dads gave the jet skis a run for their money. I've found that Carter enjoys sleeping with his bunny in his face, weird but whatever works for him works for me. Not to mention, it's just too cute!! <3

Scott had a great time with Carter at the lake. This was Carter's first time to Wamplers Lake.
Whenever Sarah and I are together with the boys I try to get a photo of us. I think it'll be fun to look back at us with our sweet boys. <3
Carter and I had a blast under the Bengals tent while daddy rode the jet ski with John. Maybe we'll make it out another time this boating season.
Go Buckeyes!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My Neighbor Mommy Friend Sarah
Sarah and I met when I was 1 day past my due date with Carter. Scott and I were walking to try and get contractions rolling (which I think helped by the way, I was in labor at 1:30am that night) and we ran into them walking with their son. Small world; Sarah's husband, John, works at Toyota with Scott, Sarah, like myself, is a stay at home mom, and they live only 5 houses down the street. After Carter was born, they brought down cookies and their phone numbers saying if we needed anything to let them know. So, one day I was bored and wanted to get out of the house. I decided to walk to our local CVS and went knocking on her door to see if she wanted to come too. She said yes and the rest is history!

Above: Sarah and I walking the boys right after Carter was born
I've only known Sarah since March 2009, but I already consider her a very dear friend of mine. One that I can call whenever for whatever. One that I can rely on for help and company when Scott's away. One to share new ideas and concerns with. Our boys are destined to be great friends who will get into loads of trouble together. Sarah and I have discovered lots of new places here in Milan together while walking and riding (we walk alot of places).

Above: Sarah and I with the boys on Cinco de Mayo. She invited our family to their house for Cinco de Mayo dinner
Being a stay at home mom can be lonely and a drag at times even though you're with your beautiful child. It's nice to have an adult conversation with someone. She has been that person to me and I'm so grateful to have her in my life. I really don't know what I'd do without her.

Above: Us girls with the boys watching Milan's 4th of July parade
Sarah, you're an amazing person. You're the kind of person that would do and give anything to help someone. I've learned alot from you and I can't wait to see what the future of our friendship has in store for us! You've been my rock so many times and I just want you to know that I'm so thankful we're friends!!! <3
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